Our Approach

Trust and transparency are the cornerstones to Property Locator, we provide honest unbiased research that puts your best interests first!

Making quality decisions around property investments requires accurate data, real data. Not just the generic information that you find on glossy marketing brochures.  We are data driven and are continuously updating our research to align with current property market conditions and trends. We believe it’s crucial to make informed decisions with no hidden surprises for peace of mind.

Our longstanding relationships with reputable builders and developers provides us with a competitive edge, granting access to exclusive off market opportunities. This ensures the properties we recommend aligns with your strategy. Leverage our industry knowledge and relationships to strengthen and build your property portfolio.

We are proud to say we have worked with a Sydney based property business for the past decade who have entrusted our process to source properties for their clients, resulting in hundreds of successful sales.

Despite the hurdles within the property market, we have been able to navigate through many uncertain markets from the Global Financial Crisis to Covid 19.  It’s important to be able to pivot and adapt to meet the current property climate and conditions. Utilising relationships within the industry has been instrumental in overcoming challenges and finding success to be able to effectively assist our client base. 

We care, we listen, we communicate, we research, we understand, we support, we connect, and we value what is important to you. We are dedicated to assisting you on your property journey.  All of this comes together to help elevate your success.

The essence of personalisation is at out our core.

At Property Locator, we delve beneath the surface to research and locate property opportunities that match your investment criteria. In that research we consider:

  • Demographics & Location

  • Local (suburb) market trends

  • Town planning

  • Builders credential and reputation

  • Economic Drivers for location & region

  • Type of dwelling for location is it suitable

  • Floorplans & inclusions how liveable is the floorplan style property

  • Capital Growth

  • Tenancy Demand

  • BAL ratings

  • Flood & flight mapping

We understand everyone is time poor - let us take the guess work out of your next property purchase by being fully informed before you purchase.  When guided by data, analysis, along with years of experience in the industry, our key findings will help maximise your success.

Our team encompasses thorough due diligence with processes in place aimed at mitigating RISK.